Hot Volleyball Nail Art Tutorials and Win Freebies!

Hi daring volleyball athletes!

We at Nahdeh have decided to make our Weekly Contest (See our Facebook Page even more fun and interesting! This week, we are going to have you try out fun Volleyball Nail Art that you can easily do at home. If you're a guy volleyball players, no worries, you can still enter the contest by having a friend do it for you! Here's how it goes, we will provide you with a cool Volleyball Nail Art tutorial courtesy of Hotpinkzebrapolish from Youtube. And then you can try it out at home, upload a picture of you and your nails (with your name in the picture so we'll know it's really yours!) on our Facebook page (or you can comment it here, too!) And then by the end of the week, the picture that gets the most likes will WIN A FREE PAIR OF KNEE PADS and WORKOUT SHORTS!!! Who's excited?  

Check out the video below.

Easy, right? Now go ahead and take a picture of you and your nails and post them on our Facebook page. Make sure to have your friends like the picture you uploaded so you can have higher chances of winning.

Good luck!





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